Sunday, April 20, 2008

Playing Hookie

Taylor & Ikes by all the big U.S. Air Force planes.
Mommy & Bellie by an Air Force plane.
All three monkeys outside the Hill Aerospace Museum.
Daddy showing the monkeys the big planes.

On Thursday we decided to "escape from real life" for a bit and spend the day with the kids. So we both took PTO from work and let the kids play hookie from school and just played all day! It was good for us to have a little break. We decided to go to the Hill Aerospace Museum and the kids loved it! The best part about it was that admission to the the museum is free! The worst part about it was that it was field trip day for a local middle school. (Please don't tell me we were that obnoxious when we were in the 7th grade!) Anyway, we had a great day together and decided we should really be this irresponsible more often!

1 comment:

Gina Taylor said...

Fun! I have never been there, I think my kids would love it. Nice job on the Hookie thing...sometimes you just have to take a day off.